
        Welcome to The Film & Television Review. My name is Hunter Isham, and I'm a college student studying film and television production, as well as screenwriting, in Los Angeles. This blog came to be when two of my closest friends approached me in January 2013 about doing a film review blog, really just because we each love movies. We began reviewing films on a weekly basis for the newly created Darke, McPhaul and Isham Review, and we even started doing a bi-monthly podcast. It was all quite fun and, at least for me, cathartic, until one day it was less fun. The weekly deadline started to feel a bit too much like homework, and any self-respecting college student will tell you that voluntary homework means no homework. I kept at it in a less frequent manner, expressing thoughts simply for the sake of expressing them, though certainly welcoming anyone interested in reading them. When it became apparent I would be continuing to write on my own, I thought it might be appropriate to create a separate blog rather than take control of one I continue to share, even in its dormant state.
        And so The Film & Television Review was born, quietly launched as I migrated copies of my reviews from the DMI Review blog to this new online home. For those interested, the old blog will remain active, though I doubt new content will be posted there. My simple goal for this endeavor is to share my thoughts on the movies I see and the television shows I watch. I have a passion for these related yet different visual mediums, and it's a rewarding experience to reflect on something new or old, good or awful. I'm continuing to write because it's something I've grown to love, and I hope you'll enjoy reading the reviews as much as I enjoy writing them.

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